Maintain your post pounder in good working condidtion and it will provide you with a long service life.
The service kit includes all the O rings and seals to completely renew the working parts of your Post Pounder
The EP0 Greese should be used sparingly as overfilling the crank chamber results in the air channels behind the cylinder becoming block and the pounder loosing power or stopping altogther. The EP0 greese lubricates the O rings so that they slide on the polished steel cylinder walls inside the machine and radically reduce friction.
In addition a tube of medium Blue thread locker is included for ensuring the 6 main body securing bolts of the Post Pounder are locked in place after reassembly.
The recommended service intervals are shown below.
Service |
Domestic/farm/light use |
Commercial use |
Crank lubrication |
Annually |
30 hours or 3 months Whichever occurs first |
Hammer section |
Bi-annually |
50 hours or 6 months Whichever occurs first |
Gearbox Section |
Every 2 years |
Annually |