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Hi David, 

Thanks for all your help in preparing us for the install of the deer fence. Muskoka Improvements have done an excellent job in installing the posts, the fence and the gates in what isn’t exactly the easiest terrain to work with, mostly bedrock! We are so pleased with their approach to do the job properly with a pleasant demeanour and ability and desire to problem solve along the way. We highly recommend you refer them without any reservation for anyone in our area that is interested in a deer fence. We know they will do a top notch job. I suggest you list them on your website as the area installers.
Best Intentions,
Bill & Doris


Clients who have installed Deer Fencing in Public Places

Niagara Parks

Royal Botanical Gardens Hamilton

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

Toronto Parks ( Rouge Park)

Humber Arboretum

Toronto Region Conservation Authority

Gloucester Allotment Garden Association

Friends of Shorthills Park On

Friends of Sandbanks On

Town of Banff

Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens

Ontario Parks ( Sandbanks Park Butternut recovery project)

Catraqui Region Conservation Authority ( Le Moine Point reforestation projects)

Laskeek Bay Conservation Society (Haida Gwaii) 

Granby Wilderness Society Grand Forks BC

Town of Canmore AB

Constance Bay Legion Gardens


What our customers say



Hello David,


The project has gone very well, and the park officials seem happy with it.  I trust that our payment has reached you by now.

We would like to order some additional material to complete the second site. 

Hope all is well with you,


Alison Thomson

Watershed Restoration Technician

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority


Thank you David,
 It was a pleasure dealing with someone helpful who would spend the time to answer all my questions.
Nelson Oler

100 Mile House B.C.



Subject: Fw: Anderson Gardens Fence Project 


I would like to thank you and everyone who helped the Gloucester Allotment Garden Assoc. obtain GPP funding for our Anderson Fence Project - without this valuable assistance, the Anderson Gardens would surely have had to close.

You can view a slideshow portraying some of the Anderson Volunteer gardeners who helped build the fence - simply click on our website at:    

 Thanks Again,

George Bushell

President, Gloucester Allotment Garden Assoc.


Dear David,
The deer fence arrived safely on Thursday. Thank you - and also for the instructions on installation. We'll order the rest of the fencing for next fall.

Ancaster Ontario


Hi David

The fence went up and is doing its job. It does blend into the background.

 I have a few unhappy deer in the area. See attached photographs.


 Next time, I will have my telephoto lens ready.



Parry Sound Ontario


Hi David


Thanks for these and the voicemail. The fence arrived safely - I really appreciated the time you took to package it up so well, unloading the two large pallets was a cinch (once I convinced the delivery driver to do it our way, not his). I'll let you know how we get on with it


best wishes


Kettleby Ontario


Thank you David.

 The information from you is valuable and I feel as though I know when to expect my goods, where to put them, and how. I shall arrange to have my yard cleared in anticipation of their arrival.
It will be nice to look at my deer fence, and remember spring will come again.
Pleasure to do business with you as well, and will keep your information handy, in the event that I will get inquiries. Thanks David, Happy Holiday to you and yours. Cathy Sellers.

Brandon Manitoba


Hi David

Thanks for the info. I think i have a solution for using the gate post. Its wood and 8"x8" but i thought that the control box would be in the way for the pedestrian gate which uses the same post. However, the box can project into the driveway because the opener does anyway. Hope that makes sense!

I've also realized that i'll need the bracket for mounting in the push-to-open manner. How fast can i get one? Part no. is FM148 i believe.

Thanks for your great response!

Brian Hutchings   Salt Spring Island BC


David –

 I almost have it installed – quite simple!!  Is it possible to get 3 more sleeves, posts and caps? Let me know. Thx. Bob

Winnipeg Manitoba


Hello David.


After installing our deer fencing this fall, we have eagerly awaited to see if it would work and keep the deer out of our garden.  This winter we have had very odd weather, and up until about a week ago, we have had very little snow, which is really uncharacteristic for our area.  So, while the problem deer have kept themselves fed out in the bush (rather than in our backyard!) which is a good thing in itself, we haven't been able to see if the fencing has worked.


However, it is now snowing non-stop and yesterday we saw deer tracks all over OUTSIDE the fence!!  Yahoo!!  You do not know how joyful that has made us - well, actually, you probably do since you sell the fencing!  We do not want to get ahead of ourselves, but this fencing seems to have solved our problem.



Kitimat BC




I'm pleased to report that the fence arrived and went into service. Your kit
was complete and your instructions and advice excellent. In particular, I am
was glad to have the welded pipe insert and the hammering device. We have
rocky ground up on Manitoulin and I had not a single problem with any of the
sixteen poles. I used one of my old rock bars (6 foot round steel pole about 1
3/4 inches in diameter with a pointed end) to make a pilot hole, then used
your devices to drive in the footing sleeves for the fence pole. I think that
you did me a good service recommending those devices.

Jim Hinds

Manitouln Island Ontario


HI David,

Attached are pictures of the fence.

It was completed on June 20th, but only now got around to sending
them to you.
Note that we used huge wood posts for the 7 foot gates. These
posts are 5 feet into the ground. Peter said concrete would not work
because these would heave from freeze/thaw.

It was a bit of a trick getting the fence to sit as flat as possible when
putting it up. I would have preferred to use some kind of devise to
pull the fence tight rather than by hand as we did.
Otherwise it looks great and everyone thinks so, including the
Thanks for the advice on locally sourcing wooden posts I got 10 foot 3-4 inch diameter treated wood posts for only $10
each. Incredibly low price.

With the fence up, the deer now have only a very narrow passage
between the fence on the north side and the neighbours garage,
which they don't use and have virtually disappeared in the area. In
the past our north side grass area was their main passage from east  to west, including to cross the road.
All that remains is to see how it stands up against the winter.


Winnipeg Manitoba



Hi David,

Thanks for the brochure and samples. We sat round the dinner table last night and laughed our heads off as we had tried all the failed deer prevention ideas outline in your brochure.

My husband is still not convinced he wants a fenced in garden, but I have cancelled my order on the local nursery for new plants and will not be wasting any more money on plants until we have solution to these pests.



Darlings Island , New Brunswick


Hi David,

Thanks for the help in planning the fence. My friend and I fixed the mesh to the trees this afternoon. Still some parts to complete but when my husband arrived home he did not believe it was installed. It truly is virtually invisible, he had to be closer than 20 feet to actually see the fence.

Now he is going to invest in a wrought iron driveway gate to complete the enclosure.

I will be back at the local nursery tomorrow to stock up the garden.

Please can you forward some more brochures and samples. I am going to get the nursery to pass them out to others with the same deer problem.

Many Thanks,


Darlings Island , New Brunswick



You will be hearing from our neighbours. Ivan has just calculated how much he has lost to deer in plants over the past 5 years and he was astounded. He is going to invest in your fence.



Hi David

Thank-you very much for your help with this purchase. 


Your product exceeds your claims – we’ve installed 1000ft very easily. My objections about blocking our view were unfounded – from 50ft away we cannot see the fencing. 

Excellent product, excellent service, thank-you,


Steve and Gwen Belyea

Darling’s Island, NB


Hello David

Please send your deer fence brochure to my friend. (address below).

By the way your fence on our property has been a total success.  

My friend has seen it and now wants her new garden enclosed like ours.

Thank you  


Nova Scotia


Dear David,


Thank you so much for the cat fence design and installation. I have been doing a bit of catch up work on the computer & didn't feel the need to run out & check on Demi. I am also pleased with the way it looks. It's quite unobtrusive. 

Thanks again.


Ottawa, Ontario


David Davidson
After some delay and attempts to ward them off with repellants and 
electric fences, we've decided to start installing. Since I cannot 
afford to buy the whole quantity right away, nor can I install it all 
right away, I'll start off by ordering 500feet of the heavy mesh 7.5 
feet- just the mesh. (Sample you sent me- thanks) .  Have you got a 
location to ship to here in Montreal or in the Eastern Townships? How 
bulky is 500 feet? When I end up buying the final amount, can you then 
discount me for volume? I'm estimating by Google (as you suggested) 
about 2,000 feet- although there is a fairly steep gradient and that 
may as you say distort the measure.  I intend to purchase in 500 foot 
increments as I install it this fall and early next spring.
Can I pay with Visa?

Hello David
I have completed the installation of the 1800 feet of fence with 
tension wires and  ground stakes.  There have been no deer on the 


Eastern Townships Quebec.



Dear sir,

We have used Benners Garden deer fence for several years. It is being used to enclose areas where we are establishing hard wood plantations. This program has included red oak, white ash and sugar maple.

The site preparation is complete for a new area that requires 1800 ft. of heavy duty 7.5' fence plus posts, etc.

Please advise assistance available from your company complete with estimated delivery cost. We are located in Sherbrooke, PQ.

Yours truly,

Colin Jardine  Sherbrooke, PQ

 Dear David,

Thanks for all the help. We did manage to recover a good bit of the old fence material. Your suggestion of parcelling it up to sell as plant supports really did work well. At my pancake breakfast i made enough money to keep me in beer for the whole summer.

As this little venture has been so popular I am planning another pancake breakfast shortly to raise funds for the local club. Can you send me another 200 foot roll which I will cut up and sell for them.

Yours truly ,

Colin Jardine Sherbrooke,PQ


Hi David,
Sorry for the long delay in telling you how our installation went.

I have set up a Picassa web album for you to look at.

We stretched out the remaining pole placements by a bit, and along with
the trees, ended up with exactly the right number. In fact, we had one
left over since the last one could not be easily placed under the wide
eave of our one story house. We picked up a seven ft pole at Rona and
used clamps to attach it to the house.

As you will see from the pictures we decided to keep the fence as close
to our property line as possible. The result was that the fence nicely
undulated around the cedars on the east side, but this required adding a
6 ft patch (from the spare 10 ft roll) to reach the NE corner of the
house. (Not yet tensioned, will discuss with you).

We then made a caribina gate with a 4 ft width under one side of the
carport (not shown).
With no fencing material left we used some of the very light weight deer
mesh from Rona and some electrical conduit to build a temporary fence on
the west side of the carport. After so many days working on the fence
(in between thunderstorms) we felt that we had a at last secured the
yard. We took down the all the temporary deer defences around individual
trees, beds, and vegetable boxes.

The next morning I looked out to see the tomato stakes askew and hiding
behind the plum tree was the mother deer. The three fawns were 
scattered about the landscaping. Some passing cyclists were muttering
(and mocking) our deer fence.  Of course the deer had broken through
that temporary plug. They ate every tomato (and all the lettuce).
We had one space left to plug up and this would prove to be our down fall!

You did warn me that the deer would jump from our neighbours property over the chain link fence. They did!!!

So for the past couple of days we have been in shock. My initial
reaction is that we have to put in an extension on top of our
neighbour's 4ft chain link fence along the west side. My wife has taken
another position: that we only need an 8ft fence running west from the
carport to the neighbour's 6ft high gate.

I will call you to discuss the two options and the shipping costs of each.


Penticon BC


Dear Mr. Davidson, 


First I would like to mention that the fence worked very well during the summer. I still have not installed the cord with the clips. Is the cord pulled through on the top of the fence with the rings attached ?? On the instructions, the pictures are not very clear. Do you have some small leftover pieces of the same fencing. I miss about 15 to 20 feet for a gate. 

I and the Flower Garden are thanking you, 


Auberge Val Carroll




Pictures here with your fencing at our country property in the Eastern Townships, Quebec.

We have now had for a year and are very satisfied. 

It encloses our swans and they are content as no predators can get to them!


Kind regards,

Gabrielle Pilot


Hi again, David ...
Just thought I'd let you know that my fence arrived about 10 minutes ago ...
HOOORAY..... I am sooo excited about getting the darn thing up in place &
doing it's job ..!
Unfortunately, I have to go to Halifax for the weekend [wouldn't you know
it] plus my husband is on night shift at the moment ... so I'm going to have
to be kinda creative about getting the job done .... hmmmm ... I'll figure
something out, don't worry.
Anyway, thank you soooo very much for your absolutely terrific service ...
I'll let you know, as soon as I can, just how succesful this venture turns
out to be .... "neighbours beware" ....!!!
grateful hugs



Hi Deer Fence Canada,

I just wanted to let you know how happy we are with the deer fence we bought from you. It was easy to install and it works. We haven't had one deer in since we installed it. When we first installed the fence the deer would walk all around the fence. They did that for a good month. Now they have changed their walking pattern and stay away from the fence. It is a great product, and works!


Thank You so much,

Kerry Ernst,

Cranbrook, B.C., Canada 


Back in May I bought some cat-fencing from you, which was shipped to
Vancouver. (It's now constructed and we're delighted with it all!).

Many thanks,

Martin Godwyn




We purchased fencing from you in June 2007 to fence our 1/3 acre yard for our dogs in Kinburn.  The fencing has been wonderful and we are very happy with it.  Since then, we have acquired 3 kittens. We would like for them to be able to go outside too, and wonder if it is possible to retrofit the do