4432ft (3mm) monofilament spool. Designed to be strong and long lasting. Has been proven in the field for 30 years.
Gauge of polyamide for fruit support is based on a combination of fruit load and post spacing. Posts should be no more than 6 meters apart for 3 mm polyamide, for medium fruit production of 15,000 to 20,000 kg per hectare.
UV stable , non-corrosive and resistant to fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides. Has a wide temperature range of -40C to +50C.
Elongation before breaking is 25% which gives unique properties for new shoot growing control.
Non-conductive therefore not susceptible to lightening strikes and which can result in crop burn. Also with early frost the non-conductive nature means that young shoots do not get damaged by frozen wires with a late frost.