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Building and bridge Bird Protection

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Pest birds such as pigeons, starlings etc can cause thousands of dollars of damage with bird dropping to buildings.

Historic buildings can be severely affected and tend to have ledges and shelf areas where the birds congregate.

Our Tenax 2 inch square polypropylene mesh is ideal for this fixed unobtrusively across the building. See picture ( you will need to zoom into see the mesh)

Open air rail stations are also ideal places for pigeons to roost and waiting passengers are not to happy with the constant droppings.

Again our mesh fixed under the roof easily deters roosting or nesting. See picture.


On flat roofed buildings where solar panels are installed this provides an ideal roosting area, solar panels can quickly lose efficiency when covered with droppings. Once again our polypropylene mesh can be used to deter birds.

Under bridges are a concern especially if spring maintenance work is planned. The underside of a bridge left unprotected can attract bird species that have conservation restrictions on disturbing the habitat during nesting periods. This can lead to costly delays in work being carried out until after the chicks have left the nest. Better to protect the underside of the bridge with our small mesh Ornex bird mesh that is used extensively by fruit growers.


All thes solutions are custom and require detailed planning and we can supply all the materials necessary see associated products below.